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Green Sleeve Urinal Sanitiser is a consumable retro-fitting device for urinals that locks in odours and prevents blockages.
Green Sleeve Urinal Sanitiser - Chrome
The Green Sleeve is a consumable retro-fitting device for urinals that locks in odours and prevents foreign matter entering the pipe work. The Green Sleeve deals with common urinal problems by eliminating unpleasant smells, reducing blockages, improving hygiene, enhancing washroom appearance and reducing both operating and maintenance costs.
How it works
The Green Sleevereleases millions of friendly bacteria that digest uric salt, organic waste and sludge deposits. It lasts up to three months maintaining urinal efficiency and presentation.
Water saving benefits
The Green Sleeveis a very innovative device that helps to save up to 98% water per urinal per year. By installing the green sleeve, you will be turning you existing urinals into semi-waterless urinals and save up to 150,000Litres of fresh water per year. You will also save on discharging rates because you will be flushing away less water.
Green Sleeve benefits